Author Archives: Maria

Baby “Q”|CT and Long Island Newborn Photographer|Lexi-Bella Photography

So a few weeks ago, about 6, I posted about Baby “Q” (who does have a name now) ) and his sweet arrival at a mere 32 weeks! Every where I went people would ask me, “How is Baby “Q” ? Well Here he is, weighing in at a whopping 6 lbs 1 oz (that is DOUBLING his birth weight)!!!

He wasn’t the sleepiest and most bendable newborn being that he’s been out for 6 weeks now, but I will say he was one of the smiliest newborns I have ever seen.

I fell in love all over again with him and NOW, so can YOU!

To Y and L, you guys are AMAZING parents, the love present in your home was overabundant and radiating from corner to corner! I can’t wait to see this handsome little man grow up!

PS. “Lexi-Bella” was smooching the computer screen as I was editing these teasers, looks like H. has a admirer!!

one|CT and Long Island Children Photography|Lexi-Bella Photography

Happy Birthday Miss. E!

Yes, TODAY is Miss E’s birthday! I had the pleasure of photographing her and her family in Celebration of her first year and her parents for Surviving! Because, really, thats what the big first birthday is about right?!? Celebrating making it through alive as parent?!?

She was a rockstar, the weather was far from optimal conditions with a light drizzle coming down but that didn’t stop E from hamming it up and doing the same when we headed back to the studio!

ROCKIN it in TRUE DIVA fashion!!!!

altruistic|CT and Long Island Event Photography|Lexi-Bella Photography


unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others

That defines J to a “T”

I was contacted a few months back by J to photograph her daughter E’s Christening this past Sunday in NJ. I was completely honored by the request and knew that this would be a special event and blog post. I don’t want to get too sappy here, and I’m not the best writer, but I really think that attention needs to be made to the AMAZING mother, friend and Human Being that J is!

She is one of the few people I have EVER encountered that has a heart so big and so generous that her mere presence makes you rethink yourself as a person and makes YOU want to give back and help those around you. I have been so moved and touched by her overwhelming concern and generosity for others that it is my goal to really “give back” to those around me.

What is AMAZING to watch is the bond that she has with her daughter, E. I look at them together and there is such an overwhelming sense of peace and love that it makes my heart swell. It is So TRULY evident that J is so very careful in every parental decision she makes and is bringing up a little woman who will have that same large, compassionate and caring heart.

I love watching this fabulously HILARIOUS family together because they truly have an unbreakable bond and a gift to make all those around them feel right at ease!

J and D, You both amaze me with your beautiful hearts and spirits. I am so honored to have a part of such a blessed and sacred day. I am so excited to watch Miss. E grow up because I know, with parents like you, that she WILL grow up to do AMAZING and compassionate acts of selfless love for others as her parents do.

I wish you both a LIFETIME of happiness with that Brilliant blue-eyed little woman of yours!


It’s like a little piece of heaven shinning down and blessing the day!