Tag Archives: Connecticut newborn baby photographer

New|Connecticut & Long Island Newborn Photographer|Lexi-Bella Photography

So It’s been a baby boom over here the last few weeks and I’ve also had quite a few little ones that have been eager to arrive a bit earlier than anticipated! Premies are always interesting to photograph and Iv’e started to develop a spot for them! Baby “A” arrived a few weeks early but was so super sweet! His mama was one of my 2009 brides and it was so nice to capture so many special times in this familys life!

Super alert!

Super smiley!

Even though he was so early and the session didn’t take place until he was a good 6 weeks old he did AWESOME!

Love the little toes….

Probably some of my favorite shots to do, I try to do them at all my sessions, so timeless, classic and simple!

A special family shot. Sleeping in his great-grandmothers bowl on a blanket his grandmother made for him!

I love this one, technical errors or not. Chopped limbs, lighting isn’t perfect but OH the emotion. It brings me back to those first few days when I could just put my daughter on my bare chest and she would sleep and melt. THIS is motherhood. THIS is what I want to remember!

runaways|Connecticut & Long Island Children Photography|Lexi-Bella Photography

***Disclaimer: SAFETY is my upmost priority with any session before artistic vision. Multiple hands were on “deck” for this session to make sure the little one’s had fun in a safe environment during a non-busy time.***

Ok, now onto the session. I’m always talking about session “themes” with my client and here is a PERFECT example. This session was a sibling 1st and 2nd birthday celebration. Dad is in a punk rock band and mom wanted something “special” for this joined birthday party invites!

To me and many photographers, photography is about telling a story. It can be a complex story or a simple one telling an emotion.

For this session we wanted to tell the story of 2 little ones who were “running away to FIND THEMSELVES as artists in this big crazy world” like many artists and musicians do.  At the end of the story they realize that if they leave home they are going to miss an awesome birthday bash and are “crying” to come home!

Processed very different for me, stepping outside of the box with these. I know they aren’t for everyone but J and P I hope you like them!


OMG and the Dimple…. Too much!


four|Connecticut & Long Island Children Photographer| Lexi-Bella Photography

I can’t believe my next little guy is already FOUR!

I can remember like its only yesterday I had just gone to bed after working a 16 hour shift as a paramedic when my sister called to tell me she was in Laabor! ACK!! In another state! So up I jumped threw on some clothes, grabbed my bag and made it to CT from Easter Long Island in RECORD TIME 🙂

And here he is, I still call him “the baby” even though my baby is 2 years younger!

Handsome little devil!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one! You barely see his face but you can see the glimmer and laughter in his eyes and a small smirk in the corner of his mouth!