LI Holiday Mini|CT & Long Island Photographer|Lexi-Bella Photography

So around June of this year I started thinking about the holidays; YES 6 months out! I knew I wanted to do mini sessions again this year but I didn’t want the typical indoor studio shots. I thought about my client base and what I loved to do and I decided that mini sessions would be outdoors, in NOVEMBER!

Yes, at first it sounded like a great idea, I mean children ALWAYS do a million times better outdoors instead of being confined to a 5 or 6 foot backdrop . And of course I was thinking of this idea in June when it was 80 degrees out! Nevertheless, I started on this task to put together not only amazing family sessions, but an EVENT.

A few days were spent hunting down the PERFECT location. This was Long Island, so it screamed for a beach scene. But I couldn’t use just any beach, it had to be perfect, it had to be raw, uninhabited, a beach no one really knew of…… And we found it and I fell in love.

Then came a few dozen phone calls to state and local officials to get permission to use the beach for 2 days and set up for something that everyone thought I was crazy to do! But, we did it!

The next part of my task was a little more difficult! I needed a Christmas Tree. Yes, I said a Christmas tree. In my home we always cut down a fresh tree so an artificial wouldn’t do. Well I bet you didn’t know that Christmas Tree farms don’t actually open until after Thanksgiving…… Now you do!

So we called up Lewins Farms in Wading River, NY and got permission from the owner to drive out to the farm and find the perfect tree! Sounds easy, right?!?! Well the farm technically wasn’t open so that meant no hay ride to get the tree, no baling of the tree, and no help loading it on the car……

We headed out on Friday, the day before mini sessions and what we thought would be a 2 hour project turned into a 5 hour ordeal with one trip to Home Depot for stronger rope to keep the tree on the car but we did it, we found the perfect tree!

And so Saturday morning, before the sun or the birds were up we headed out to the beach to set up! A 3 foot hole was dug that held the 10+ foot Christmas tree and stand and was buried in the sand to make the tree look as native to the area as possible, in fact a few families didn’t believe me that we had actually brought it in!

The tree was trimmed in festive greens, red and silver and a table was set up with hot drinks and candy canes to keep all of the families warm. But, instead I was blessed with a record breaking weekend of perfect blue skies and 60 degree weather!

And so the sessions began, 18 families in 2 days!

The set up a secret……

And families walked out onto the beach to see this……

And the squeals of joy and delight from each family and child still ring in my heart!

And so the family sessions started, I even got a few from our little mascot who spent a few hours each day with us!

What an AMAZING weekend. Robert and I spent almost 24 hours on the beach this weekend and were a bit sad to leave but the memories of such a memorable 2 days keep our hearts warm.

And so, to those 18 families: we enjoyed so much meeting and working with you all! Here is a quick sneak peak from this weekend!


Click here to see image from The 2010 Long Island Mini Sessions!


Robert and Maria Fuller

and Miss. Lexi-Bella too!

Warm & Fuzzy|CT & Long Island Children Photographer|Lexi-Bella Photography

So first off a quick update on availability. I still have a few openings left for November and December 2010. If your not a fan of our facebook page do so now! I have a couple of awesome things coming up in the next few weeks {hint, hint}

2011 Bookings are underway, I’m not taking on as many sessions next year to keep everything highly personalized. I’m booking January-October 2011 as of right now and spaces are filling rapidly so think ahead!

So, fall. What do you think of? I think of warm rich colors, falling leaves, crisp air and delicious sunlight. My next session is the PERFECT example of fall. Sweet little A just turned 1! A fall baby, so in celebration, we hit the sunshine and leaves for some fall fun!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one!

And this one……

oh, ummm and this one!

ok, lets be honest. I’m in LOVE with all of these. If this were my family My house would be wall papered with these images! LOL

Love the mischievous little look and the crossed little feet… {sigh} so sweet!