So a few weeks ago, about 6, I posted about Baby “Q” (who does have a name now) ) and his sweet arrival at a mere 32 weeks! Every where I went people would ask me, “How is Baby “Q” ? Well Here he is, weighing in at a whopping 6 lbs 1 oz (that is DOUBLING his birth weight)!!!
He wasn’t the sleepiest and most bendable newborn being that he’s been out for 6 weeks now, but I will say he was one of the smiliest newborns I have ever seen.
I fell in love all over again with him and NOW, so can YOU!
To Y and L, you guys are AMAZING parents, the love present in your home was overabundant and radiating from corner to corner! I can’t wait to see this handsome little man grow up!
PS. “Lexi-Bella” was smooching the computer screen as I was editing these teasers, looks like H. has a admirer!!